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Top Downloaded Articles 2022

Congratulations to the top-downloaded articles in 2022 listed here below!

Damas, P., Legrain, C., Lambermont, B. et al. Prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia by noble metal coating of endotracheal tubes: a multi-center, randomized, double-blind study. Ann. Intensive Care 12, 1 (2022).

Ammar, M.A., Ammar, A.A., Wieruszewski, P.M. et al. Timing of vasoactive agents and corticosteroid initiation in septic shock. Ann. Intensive Care 12, 47 (2022).

Monnet, X., Shi, R. & Teboul, JL. Prediction of fluid responsiveness. What’s new?. Ann. Intensive Care 12, 46 (2022).

Tobin, M.J., Jubran, A. Pulse oximetry, racial bias and statistical bias. Ann. Intensive Care 12, 2 (2022).

Mele, A., Cerminara, E., Häbel, H. et al. Fluid accumulation and major adverse kidney events in sepsis: a multicenter observational study. Ann. Intensive Care 12, 62 (2022).

Zhang, T., Mei, Q., Dai, S. et al. Use of dexmedetomidine in patients with sepsis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials. Ann. Intensive Care 12, 81 (2022).

Crosignani, A., Spina, S., Marrazzo, F. et al. Intravenous fluid therapy in patients with severe acute pancreatitis admitted to the intensive care unit: a narrative review. Ann. Intensive Care 12, 98 (2022).

Zhong, Y., Deng, L., Zhou, L. et al. Association of immediate reinsertion of new catheters with subsequent mortality among patients with suspected catheter infection: a cohort study. Ann. Intensive Care 12, 38 (2022).

Szychowiak, P., Villageois-Tran, K., Patrier, J. et al. The role of the microbiota in the management of intensive care patients. Ann. Intensive Care 12, 3 (2022).

Voiriot, G., Oualha, M., Pierre, A. et al. Chronic critical illness and post-intensive care syndrome: from pathophysiology to clinical challenges. Ann. Intensive Care 12, 58 (2022).