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Table 1 Studies with cardiovascular agents that have been used in patients who are difficult-to-wean from mechanical ventilation

From: Weaning failure of cardiovascular origin: how to suspect, detect and treat—a review of the literature

Study (References)

No. of patients

Study population diagnosis

Agent (class)

Indication given for


Main findings/comments

Lemaire et al. [6]


COPD with concomitant cardiovascular disease

Furosemide (loop of Henle diuretic)

Increased preload/fluid management/Hypervolemia

Preload reduction

9/15 patients were successfully weaned

Aubier et al. [81]



Dopamine (catecholamine) 10 µg/kg

Impaired diaphragmatic function

Some vasopressor, increase splanchnic blood flow

Results of weaning outcome not reported

Valtier et al. [21]


Coronary artery disease

Enoximone (phosphodiesterase -3 inhibitor)

LV dysfunction

Prevention of weaning-induced LV dysfunction

5/6 patients were successfully weaned

Paulus et al. [20]


LV failure after cardiac surgery

Enoximone (phosphodiesterase -3 inhibitor) 30 µg/kg/min followed by 10 µg/kg/min

LV failure

Increase in cardiac index, no change in PAOP

7/9 patients were successfully weaned

Duane et al. [99]


Trauma patient with coronary artery disease

Esmolol IV (beta-blockers) 500 µg followed by 50–100 µg/kg/min

Tachycardia, hypertension and pulmonary edema upon spontaneous breathing

Normal heart rate and systolic blood pressure

Successfully weaned

Adamopoulos et al. [98]


Postoperative patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy

Atenolol 200 mg/day (beta-blockers) + Diltiazem 300 mg/day (calcium channel blocker)

hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy

Decreased dynamic LV obstruction (induced by catecholamines), improved LV compliance

Successfully weaned

Ng et al. [95]


Secondary pulmonary hypertension and RV dysfunction

Sildenafil (Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor) 12.5–25 mg 3 times/day

severe pulmonary hypertension

Decrease in PAP and PVR

Successfully weaned from INO and mechanical ventilation

Stanopoulos et al. [19]



Sildenafil (Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor) 50 mg

Pulmonary hypertension

Decrease in PAP and PAOP

Successfully weaned

Sterba et al. [17]


Patients with LVEF < 40%

Levosimendan (Calcium sensitizer) 0.108–0.21 μg/kg/min, loading dose 12 µg/kg in 6 patients

Impaired LVEF

Increase in LVEF

7/12 successfully weaned

Meaudre et al. [88]


Dilatated cardiomyopathy

Levosimendan (Calcium sensitizer) loading dose 12 µg/kg followed by 0.1 µg/kg/min × 24 h

Impaired LVEF High LV filling pressures

Increase in LVEF and a decrease in cardiac filling pressures

Successfully weaned

Routsi et al. [18]


COPD exhibiting systemic arterial hypertension during SBT

Nitroglycerin (vasodilator) 40–600 µg/min

Increased LV afterload

Decrease in LV filling pressures and afterload

10/12 patients successfully weaned

Ouanes-Besbe et al. [83]


COPD and normal LVEF

Dobutamine (beta-agonist) 7µ/kg/min followed by Levosimendan (Calcium sensitizer) 0.2µ/kg/min × 24 h

PAOP increase ≥ 10 mmHg during SBT

PAOP and PAP increased to a lesser extent with Levosimendan than with Dobutamine

Successfully weaned Dobutamine increased the rate-pressure product (No indication according to guidelines [39],(see text)

Elias et al. [94]


Interstitial lung disease, pulmonary hypertension

Sildenafil (Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor) 20–30 mg3 times/day

Severe pulmonary hypertension and a patent foramen ovale

Decrease in PAP

Successfully weaned from INO and mechanical ventilation

Mekontso Dessap et al. [65]a


General ICU patients eligible for weaning. BNP-driven or physician-driven fluid management

Furosemide (loop of Henle diuretic) ± Acetazolamide sodium (carbonic anhydrase inhibitor)

Fluid overload

More negative fluid balance in BNP-guided group

Shorter duration of MV in BNP-guided approach. Strongest effect in patients with LV systolic dysfunction

Cateano et al. [89]


Aortic stenosis, LV systolic dysfunction

Levosimendan (Calcium sensitizer) 0.1 µg/kg/min × 24 h

LV systolic dysfunction

LV systolic function and mean aortic gradient increased

Successfully weaned

Mongodi et al. [56]


COPD, arterial hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis

Ramipril (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors) 2.5 mg/die, Nebivolol (beta-blockers) 5 mg/die)and mild negative water balance

LV diastolic dysfunction, LUS consistent with increased EVLW

Reduced LV filling pressures and normal LUS

Successfully weaned

  1. aRandomized control trial, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, RV right ventricular, LV left ventricular, PAOP pulmonary artery occlusion pressure, PAP pulmonary artery pressure, PVR pulmonary vascular resistance, LVEF left ventricular injection fraction, RV right ventricular, SBT spontaneous breathing trial, INO inhaled nitric oxide, BNP B-type natriuretic peptide, EVLW extravascular lung water, LUS lung ultrasound