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Correction: COVID-19 associated pulmonary aspergillosis in critically-ill patients: a prospective multicenter study in the era of Delta and Omicron variants

The Original Article was published on 24 April 2024

Correction: Annals of Intensive Care (2024) 14:65

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors identified an error in Tables 1 and 2.

In Table 1, the data for the “Sex, females” under the heading of “CAPA patients, n = 29” should be 8 (28) not 5 (28).

The correct Table 1 is given in this correction.

Table 1 Patient’s characteristics at the time of their admission to the intensive care unit according to the CAPA status

In Table 2, the data for Duration of vasopressors, days under the heading of variable has been corrected in this correction and the complete Table 2 is given in this correction.

Table 2 Management and outcomes of patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection during their intensive care unit stay according to the CAPA status

The correct Table 2 is given in this correction.

In this article, the legend for Fig. 3 was incorrectly published.

Incorrect legend of Fig. 3:

Fig. 3 Unsupervised analysis of the clinical and biological characteristics of the by self-organized maps (SOMs). Unsupervised analysis by SOM automatically located patients with similar clinical and paraclinical parameters within 1 of 40 small groupings (“districts”) throughout the map. The more similar the patients, the closer on the map. Each individual map shows the mean values or proportions per district for each characteristic: blue indicates the lowest average values, red the highest, with numbers shown for a selection of representative districts in each SOM. For instance, immunosuppressed patients were more frequently located in the upper districts and also had higher serum urea levels, less frequent Delta variant infection, higher SAPS II and SOFA scores and day-28 mortality rates. WHO World Health Organization, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment, SAPS II Simplifed Acute Physiology Score II, MV mechanical ventilation

Correct legend of Fig. 3:

Fig. 3 Unsupervised analysis of the clinical and biological characteristics of the 566 critically-ill COVID-19 patients by self-organized maps (SOMs). Unsupervised analysis by SOM automatically located patients with similar clinical and paraclinical parameters within 1 of 40 small groupings (“districts”) throughout the map. The more similar the patients, the closer on the map. Each individual map shows the mean values or proportions per district for each characteristic: blue indicates the lowest average values, red the highest, with numbers shown for a selection of representative districts in each SOM. For instance, immunosuppressed patients were more frequently located in the upper districts and also had higher serum urea levels, less frequent Delta variant infection, higher SAPS II and SOFA scores and day-28 mortality rates. WHO World Health Organization, SOFA Sequential Organ Failure Assessment, SAPS II Simplified Acute Physiology Score II, MV mechanical ventilation

The original article has been corrected.


  1. Bay P, Audureau E, Preau S, Favory R, Guigon A, Heming N, Gault E, Pham T, Chaghouri A, Turpin M, Morand-Joubert L, Jochmans S, Pitsch A, Meireles S, Contou D, Henry A, Joseph A, Chaix M-L, Uhel F, Roux D, Descamps D, Emery M, Garcia-Sanchez C, Levy D, Burrel S, Mayaux J, Kimmoun A, Hartard C, Pene F, Rozenberg F, Gaudry S, Brichler S, Guillon A, Handala L, Tamion F, Moisan A, Daix T, Hantz S, Delamaire F, Thibault V, Souweine B, Henquell C, Picard L, Botterel F, Rodriguez C, Dessap AM, Pawlotsky J-M, Fourati S, de Prost N, On behalf of the SEVARVIR investigators. COVID-19 associated pulmonary aspergillosis in critically-ill patients: a prospective multicenter study in the era of Delta and Omicron variants. Ann Intensive Care. 2024;14:65.

    Article  PubMed  PubMed Central  Google Scholar 

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Bay, P., Audureau, E., Préau, S. et al. Correction: COVID-19 associated pulmonary aspergillosis in critically-ill patients: a prospective multicenter study in the era of Delta and Omicron variants. Ann. Intensive Care 14, 87 (2024).

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